Ein Projekt der Akademie der LernKulturZeit

Am 8. März fand in Kanada das Dritte UNESCO Forum für Global Citizen Education statt  (Bildung zum Weltbürger). Hier ging es in besonderer Weise um die bedeutende Rolle von Lehrern bei der Umsetzung der Global Goals.

Ein Auszug:

The Third UNESCO Forum on GCED (Global Citizenship Education), which opened on 8 March 2017 in Ottawa, Canada, brought together leading experts, practitioners and policymakers from around the world to examine pedagogical approaches and teaching practices, and to ensure that practical change is brought into classrooms.

Teachers are on the frontlines of bringing GCED into learning environments. Without confident, qualified and well-prepared teachers, we cannot advance GCED,” said UNESCO Assistant Director-General for Education, Qian Tang, at the official opening of the Forum.
Teachers’ crucial role for achieving Target 4.7

With teachers as the central theme of the third UNESCO GCED Forum, the focus has been to draw attention to educators’ fundamental role in improving learning about, and for, global citizenship.

In a context where learners are increasingly learning through a diversity of channels, the role of teachers is bound to evolve. Teachers are not only the transmitters of knowledge. They have a role to play in developing learners’ knowledge, skills and attitudes that promote peace and sustainable development. Teachers are the agents of change who can ensure countries achieve of Target 4.7 of the SGD on Education. 


Teachers are Change Agents – deshalb erschaffen wir jetzt eine neue Art der Lehrerbildung, um genau das zu erreichen. Miteinander.

